Welcome to BIO-1

Bio-1's internship and job match is a free service designed to help New Jersey organizations in industry, academia and government find the most qualified candidates to meet their needs. If you have a job, internship, research opportunity or other experiential opportunity to post -- or if you want to search our database of qualified applicants using a keyword search, simply create an account - or login if you've already registered.

To post an opportunity, click on post a job or internship and fill out the form, and the opportunity will be posted on our website. There will be a brief delay before you can see your job posting, and you may need to refresh your browser. Contact information within postings (email, website, fax, and/or phone) should direct prospective applicants to your organization following your standard application process.

Please Note: You have the opportunity at any time to remove a posting and/or re-post.

New: For extra visibility, we now feature an RSS feed to the BioNJ website of brief descriptions of jobs posted on the Bio-1 site. Viewers on the BioNJ site will then get directed back to the Bio-1 site for the full job description and application information.

Already have an account with us? Click here to login.

Or, click here to create a new account.