Entrepreneurs from Bordeaux Look to New Jersey for US Location
French entrepreneurs tour a lab in the Rutgers Life Sciences Building
Last month, executives from the Bordeaux Region of France looking for a US location to expand their operations were brought to New Jersey, where they were immersed in a week-long program covering everything they would need to know about doing business in the United States.
Mary Ellen Clark addresses the group over dinner
The program was developed with MedNest, Princeton in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Bordeaux and the Foreign Trade Development Agencies of the Aquitaine Region and of the French Goverment.
“This intensive ‘in-country’ experience is a combination of formal tutoring workshops on topics such as Clinical Value Validation, Regulatory Positioning and Fund Raising process, “one on one” meetings with corporations and clinical institutions in New Jersey and targeted Networking Events. All combined, this “calibration” program offers an acceleration platform for these entrepreneurs to bring their convergent Medical Technologies to the US markets” explains Mathieu Petitjean, Ph.D., president of MedNest. For a more complete outline of the program, click here
Read coverage of this event in the Home News Tribune.